Organic Funfetti Cookies for my 28th Birthday!

I have always been the kind of person who LOVED birthdays. I would celebrate as long as possible - the whole month if you'd let me! If you listened to the latest episode of my podcast, you know that I'm a total PITTA and that fire in my belly keeps me craving attention, so it makes sense that I would love a day centered around celebrating ME! I've had a pretty great last few birthdays, but this year totally snuck up on me. I have been so insanely busy between the blog, podcast, and new promotion at the yoga studio (studio assistant what whatttt) that I literally didn't realize until just a few days ago when my husband reminded me that we needed to figure out how we were going to celebrate. YIKES! (I must be getting old guys - I'm already forgetting my OWN birthday! ????)
It's the Thursday before my Saturday birthday and I still don't know how I want to celebrate (taking suggestions!) but I DID know what I wanted to eat on my birthday. I love sweets but I'm all about that low-sugar life, so I created the birthday cookie cookie of my dreams - an Organic Funfetti Sugar Cookie that hold its shape when it bakes, so you can cookie cut them into whatever cute shapes you like! They're light, sweet, and the PERFECT cookie to splurge on for your birthday - because you can eat as many as you want without having to worry about your sugar intake! Also it's your damn birthday and SOMEONE better make you cake, so let these be your at home treat. I had 6 yesterday. No regrets - bring on 28! ?

Turning 28 isn't a huge milestone, but 27 was a pretty great year for me. I had a lot of great experiences, made new forever friends, found some workouts that have kept me sane + feeling confident about my health and my body, and did some serious traveling. I made so many great memories and proved to myself how much growth I could experience in a year. 26 was hard, 27 was great, and I expect 28 to be filled with even more opportunities and positive memories! These cookies  totally fit for who I am now - obsessed with eating as many cookies as possible as healthfully as possible! A few years ago I would've made a huge, triple layer cake or fudge-filled brownies but these days I'm all about indulging in a guilt-free way - and these cookies rival any cookie with 3x the sugar, guaranteed. I didn't write any long words of wisdom about this birthday, but a few years ago I did come up with 25 Things I'd Learned at 25 and they still stand pretty true. Maybe I'll make another list at 30. For now - let's bake, babes!
2 1/4 cup organic all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup non-dairy butter
1 cup monk fruit sweetener (I used this brand, but you can always use sugar or your fave sub instead. If you choose to use stevia, I would recommend only subbing half the amount for taste.)
1 egg (or vegan egg substitute - a chia egg works great here!)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup sprinkles

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

In a medium sized mixing bowl combine the flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.

In a separate, larger mixing bowl beat the butter and sugar (or sweetener) together until fluffy. Add in the egg and the vanilla and beat until the mixture becomes fluffy again. Pour in the dry ingredient mixture, continuously mixing until a dough forms. 

Pour in the sprinkles and use your hands to mix them evenly into the dough. Refrigerate the dough, covered, for 20-30 minutes. While the dough chills, lay out some parchment paper and grab a rolling pin. When your dough is ready, roll it out to about 1/4 inch thickness and use a cookie cutter to cut out your favorite shapes.

Place cut cookies onto a lined baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Let cool before enjoying. Leftovers save well in a sealed container for up to a week - if they last that long! 

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